



# apt-get install apt-spy -y

# apt-get update -y

# apt-get install dante-server -y


在#logoutput: stderr的下面一行添加:

logoutput: syslog

在# Alternatively, the interface name can be used instead of the address.的下面一行添加:
internal: eth0 port = 1080 建议把1080改为其他端口,以免被扫描工具扫到
internal: port = 1080 建议把1080改为其他端口,以免被扫描工具扫到
external: eth0

取消# method: username none的注释。

取消# user.notprivileged: nobody的注释。
在user.notprivileged: nobody的下面添加:
client pass {
from: port 1-65535 to:

client pass {
from: port 1-65535 to:

client block {
from: to:
log: connect error

block {
from: to:
log: connect error

pass {
from: to:
protocol: tcp udp

pass {
from: to:
protocol: tcp udp

block {
from: to:
log: connect error
修改# user.libwrap: libwrap为user.libwrap: nobody


然后运行/etc/init.d/danted start以启动dante-server.你可以把/etc/init.d/danted start添加到/etc/rc.local中。


dante-server不会主动的释放已经占用的资源,用的 太频繁就会导致系统资源被占光,vps等于是死机了,只能重启vps。如果不重启vps,你在vps上建立的网站将无法访问,也无法登陆putty(打开 putty后,login as半天都不会显示。),用这台vps的SSH帐号即使能在myentunnel里登录,也无法翻墙。为了不让dante-server过快的用完系统资 源,有必要让dante-server每小时自动重启一次。此时就要祭出crontab了。在/etc/cron.hourly目录里新建一个 danted文件,编辑这个文件,在里面输入/etc/init.d/danted restart,保存编辑。然后把这个danted文件设为755属性。这样dante-server每小时就会自动重启一次,从而释放其占用的资源。

如果你的vps是centos/fedora 32bit系统,则:

# wget https://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/miniupnpc-1.4-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
# wget https://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/dante-1.2.3-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
# wget https://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/dante-server-1.2.3-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh miniupnpc-1.4-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh dante-1.2.3-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh dante-server-1.2.3-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
(如果你的vps是centos/fedora 64bit系统,则把上面所有的i386改为x86_64)
然后在putty.exe里运行/usr/sbin/sockd以启动dante-server, 这时会显示sockdexit(): truncate(/var/run/sockd.pid): No such file or directory (errno = 2),这是因为sockd要在/var/run/里生成sockd.pid文件,但/var/run/目录没有写入权限,把它的权限改为777:
# chmod 777 /var/run/,然后运行/usr/sbin/sockd就正常了。
同debian系统下一样,在centos vps下,dante-server不 会主动的释放已经占用的资源,用的太频繁就会导致系统资源被占光,vps等于是死机了,只能重启vps。此时就要祭出crontab了。在/etc /cron.hourly目录里新建一个sockd文件,编辑这个文件,在里面输入/etc/init.d/sockd restart,保存编辑。然后把这个sockd文件设为755属性。这样dante-server每小时就会自动重启一次,从而释放其占用的资源。

在新版的tor vidalia 程序中,点击“设置中继服务器”-“网络”-勾选“我使用代理服务器连接到网络”-address栏填写你的vps的主机名或ip,端口填写你的dante server的端口,
type选择socks 5,然后点击“确定”。这样通过你建立的socks 5代理,即可很顺利的连接上tor网络,设置浏览器的socks代理为127.0.0.1:9050,从而用tor翻墙。
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When working on a private LAN with no direct internet access available, squid is normally used a proxy server for internet and ftp traffic. SSH or scp (or other traffic) however, will require a SOCKS server in order to reach the internet.
Dante socks server provides just that.



How to install dante socks server on debian (ubuntu is similar):

apt-get install dante-server

This installs dante onto your debian server. By default it will not start (it will try to start - but will fail saying "no internal interfaces are configured etc...").

To configure Dante socks server:

vi /etc/danted.conf

By default - most required lines will be uncommented. The following lines need to be inserted/ uncommented in danted.conf

#logoutput: stderr
logoutput: syslog
#the above line will send any logs to /var/log/syslog instead to a terminal

internal: eth0 port = 1080
internal: port = 1080
external: eth0

method: username none
#the above puts no username or password. Access will instead be controlled via client ip address/range.
#if there is no username or password - then danted socks server needs to run as nobody, i.e.

#method: pam
# if you choose to use pam instead - a valid username&password as required for sshing to the socks server is required.
#Note: not sure if proxy login details are sent in clear text.

#user.privileged: proxy
user.notprivileged: nobody

client pass {
        from: port 1-65535 to: (黑体字是我改的)

client pass {
        from: port 1-65535 to:

client block {
        from: to:
        log: connect error

#Finally block other traffic
block {
  from: to:
  log: connect error

pass {
  from: to: (黑体字是我改的)
  protocol: tcp udp

pass {
  from: to:
  protocol: tcp udp

block {
  from: to:
  log: connect error

Once the config is complete. Start/Restart dante socks server:

/etc/init.d/danted start

If there is a problem with the config - it will tell you immediately on trying to start the danted daemon.

Test Dante Socks Server

netstat -n -a
#check to see if server is listening on 1080

Make sure the firewall is open. Add appropriate rule as on Iptables_Firewall. Test also with winscp or putty.

Other SOCKS Servers

Note that putty itself can provide a SOCKS 5 server!! (But putty needs to be able to connect to an external server/computer firstly!)
To configure socks to act as a socks v5 server:

Open Putty, Go to CONNECTION -> SSH -> TUNNELS
In the Source Port - put 1080
In the Destination Port - put 1080
Click on the Dynamic radio button for "Dynamic Port Forwarding"

Connect to an server with external access. Telnet localhost 1080 and it should connect.
Also note - SOCKS v5 can be setup using ssh on the command line.

ssh user@server.com -D 1080
# -D is for Dynamic Port Forwarding.

More info on Dante's Config at:
from https://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Dante_Socks_Server
下载源码, 解压之

make install

默认安装到 /usr/local/
可执行文件为 /usr/local/sbin/sockd
添加一个新的用户sockd。为保证安全,将登录 shell 设置为 /bin/false
sockd.conf :

## general configuration (taken from FAQ; <URL:https://www.inet.no/dante/FAQ>)
internal: eth0 port = 1080
external: eth0
method: username
user.privileged: root
user.notprivileged: sockd
logoutput: /var/log/sockd/sockd.log

## client access rules

client pass {
from: to: #internal network
log: connect disconnect

## server operation access rules

#allow bind to ports greater than 1023
pass {
from: to: port gt 1023
command: bind
log: connect disconnect

#allow outgoing connections (tcp and udp)
pass {
from: to:
command: connect udpassociate
log: connect disconnect

#allow replies to bind, and incoming udp packets
pass {
from: to:
command: bindreply udpreply
log: connect error

#log the rest
block {
from: to:
log: connect error

在计划任务的 /etc/cron.daily 里添加一个文件,名字随便。比如,sockdkill,内容如下:

#restart sockd everyday
sleep 60
DAY=`date +%Y%m%d`
cp /var/log/sockd/sockd.log /var/log/sockd/sockd.log.${DAY}
cd /var/log/sockd
gzip sockd.log.${DAY}
killall sockd 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
killall sockd 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo > /var/log/sockd/sockd.log
/etc/init.d/sockd start


Configuring a DANTE SOCKS Proxy
I have been using the Dante SOCKS v4 and v5 compatible proxy server for quite a few months now. A SOCKS proxy is a general purpose proxying daemon. It works great for tunneling things like HTTP and AOL IM through a trusted relay over a secure connection. The untrusted medium could be a wireless link or a corporate network with a draconian Web access policy. The SOCKS proxy provides the connection proxying mechanism and the tunnel (via OpenSSH) provides the security.
It's possible you do not need to install and configure Dante. OpenSSH supports basic SOCKS emulation. For example, the following will setup a basic SOCKS proxy on localhost accessible via port 1080 and tunnel it securely to the target host, rebecca. From there, a connection is made in a fashion similar to what a real SOCKS proxy would do.

jasonb@faith:~$ ssh -D 1080 rebecca

If the above doesn't work for your application, you can read on for information on configuring and installing Dante, a complete SOCKS proxy solution. Obtaining and Configuring Dante
Dante is a fully functional SOCKS proxy server and as such has many nobs. Fortunately, setting up a basic configuration that will allow tunneling of things like HTTP is relatively simple.
If you're running Debian GNU/Linux, simply run:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install dante-server

Thereafter, you can skip the source compilation step and move on to the configuration file. For non Debian users, obtain a copy of Dante. The most recently version is 1.1.14 as of this writing. Unpack the sourceball, browse the various documentation files, then run a configure similar to the following.

jasonb@faith:~/src$ tar -zxvf dante-1.1.14.tar.gz
jasonb@faith:~/src$ cd dante-1.1.14
jasonb@faith:~/src/dante-1.1.14$ ./configure \
Configuring Dante 1.1.14:
jasonb@faith:~/src/dante-1.1.14$ make -j2
jasonb@faith:~/src/dante-1.1.14$ su
jasonb@faith:~/src/dante-1.1.14# make install

Once that's done, it's time to take a crack at the configuration file. It's expected to live in /etc/sockd.conf by default and /etc/danted.conf if you're using the Debian package or my configuration above.

faith:/# cat /etc/danted.conf

# See examples/sockd.conf for additional details

First, logging is enabled via the syslog mechanism and internal and external addresses are bound. The internal bindings include a port specification. The external one, of course, does not. The external binding cannot be an interface for versions prior to 1.1.7, but that shouldn't be a problem as of this writing. If you have a static IP, that's fine, too.

logoutput: syslog

internal: eth1 port = 1080
internal: port = 1080
# or
external: eth0

Next, we define some basic authentication items. Dante supports things like identd and PAM authentication, but I did not configure those. For this proxy's simple task I went without authentication.

method: username none

# Not using authentication, so unnecessary
#user.privileged: proxy

user.notprivileged: nobody

Finally, we define the access controls for this daemon. They are checked against in the order they appear in the configuration file. It's important not to allow the world to access your proxy server, since bad things can happen.
The first three directives control which IP ranges can speak to the server. The from: option is obviously the IP space the clients live in. The to: option is one of the IPs the proxy server is bound to that the given IP range can speak to. In this instance, I set it to correspond with all addresses Dante is listening on. The last of the three drops any requests that don't match either of the first two directives.

client pass {
  from: port 1-65535 to:

client pass {
  from: port 1-65535 to:

client block {
  from: to:
  log: connect error

These next four directives control who can speak to what. Requests from anywhere to the loopback addresses are dropped. Next, connections from the loopback addresses and are allowed to speak to anyone using either the tcp or udp protocols. Finally, all other requests are dropped.

block {
  from: to:
  log: connect error

pass {
  from: to:
  protocol: tcp udp

pass {
  from: to:
  protocol: tcp udp

block {
  from: to:
  log: connect error

Now you can fire up Dante.

faith:# sockd -V (or the danted binary on Debian)
faith:# sockd -d

That will start Dante in debugging mode. Start your favourite Web browser and tell it to use a SOCKS proxy server. Don't accidently use an HTTP proxy, because that won't work. Visit a working URI and see if it loads. If it does, you're good to go. If not, check /var/log for useful clues. Dante will complain if something isn't working correctly, like it isn't able to bind to a port or it's denying you access.
Handling that Dynamic IP Issue
It's always fun to hit your tunnel one morning only to find it's gone. After a little digging, you notice it's because your broadband modem dropped your IP when you weren't looking and left your Dante configuration high and dry. Well, it need not be that way. Recent versions of Dante support using an interface for the external: directive, so this should no longer be necessary. If you can't upgrade to v1.1.7 or newer, you can use the script below to change your external IP address for you.
I run this script whenever my IP changes. I used to run it out of /etc/ppp/ip-up.d, but now I use it in conjunction with the pump DHCP client's script option. It uses the Debian init.d script. Your startup script might vary. The important part is the Perl snippet that alters the configuration file in place. You will need a copy of the iproute package installed on your machine to use the ip command. (apt-get install iproute on Debian, of course.)

set +x
# Script to screw Danted's head on straight after an IP change


IP=$(/sbin/ip addr show $IF | grep inet |\
  awk '{ print $2 }' | awk -F\/ '{ print $1 }')

$PERL -0777 -pi -e "s/^external.*/external: $IP/gm" $DANTED

# HUPing Danted won't rebind it to a new static address
#kill -SIGHUP `pidof -s /usr/sbin/danted`

/etc/init.d/danted stop > /dev/null
sleep 1
/etc/init.d/danted start > /dev/null

Getting Your Tunnel Ready Now, it's fun time. With OpenSSH, you can securely tunnel your SOCKS connection to the server running Dante, preventing anyone in between your client and your server from intercepting your session. Assuming you have OpenSSH installed and configured on both the client and the server running Dante, the following should do the trick.

jasonb@faith:~$ ssh -L 1080:localhost:1080 rebecca

If you do not have Dante listening on, you will need to substitute in an address or hostname that it is listening on. The last argument is, of course, the actual machine running OpenSSH you're connecting to. It need not be the machine running Dante, but it likely will be. For more fun with OpenSSH tunneling you can read my VNC over SSH article. Links and Useful Resources

  • Extremely outdated information on configuring NEC's SOCKS proxy
  • The Dante proxy server

FROM https://blog.edseek.com/~jasonb/articles/dante_tunnel.shtml

原文标题:利用vps搭建dante-server配合世界通或tor翻墙 - 美博园
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