世界上有一个神奇的国度,在那里,所有的优秀网站都上不了,连 https://python.org/download 也打不开,很多使用黑莓的兄弟除了opera别无他法翻墙,不过,幸运地是我们可以自己建一个在线代理网站进行反向代理,打开你的手机,输入网址就可以看了。
我这里只说一下在本地上传 "Mirror"主程序时出错的情况,也许你会跟我一样得到以下错误:
Application: sky-fire; version: secureable.
Server: appengine.google.com.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update.
Could not guess mimetype for static/favicon.ico. Using application/octet-stream
Cloning 8 static files.
Cloning 5 application files.
Deploying new version.
Checking if new version is ready to serve.
Will check again in 1 seconds.
Checking if new version is ready to serve.
Will check again in 2 seconds.
Checking if new version is ready to serve.
Will check again in 4 seconds.
Checking if new version is ready to serve.
Will check again in 8 seconds.
Checking if new version is ready to serve.
Will check again in 16 seconds.
Checking if new version is ready to serve.
Closing update: new version is ready to start serving.
Uploading index definitions.
Error 400: --- begin server output ---
Creating a composite index failed: This index:
entity_type: "EntryPoint"
ancestor: false
Property {
name: "last_updated"
direction: 2
is not necessary, since single-property indices are built in. Please remove it f
rom your index file and upgrade to the latest version of the SDK, if you haven't
--- end server output ---
Your app was updated, but there was an error updating your indexes. Please retry
later with appcfg.py update_indexes.
C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine>
其实很简单,可能是由于GAE版本升级过了,所以导致了在index.yaml中存在 错误,只要打开这个文件,只保留第一行就可以了。然后再上传,就会提示你成功。
然后 打开你申请的 https://aaaaaaa.appspot.com,就可以打开你想看的网站,但是目前程序只能代理一般的网页,session,视听或者下载等等是无法代理的。
原文标题:自己建一个Https反向在线代理网站 - 美博园
美博园文章均为“原创 - 首发”,请尊重辛劳撰写,转载请以上面完整链接注明来源!
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